
La version francaise est en travaux

period project client contractor issue role of SQM  
2002 - 
INNESTO - INstruments and NEtworks for developing logistics towards Sustainable Territorial Objectives European Commission
DG Forschung
EURES, SRS, NEA, Roskilde Unifversity, Grupo Entorno, Province Arezzo Development of different managment tools to support regional logistic co-operation of SME. Further development of SQM to SDL (Sustainable District Logistics) and EDS (Evaluation and Decision Support)  
2001 River basin development programmes Région Midi-Pyrénées ARPE Elaboration of two river basin development contracts. These contracts with the French state are an instrument for financing local development programs in river basins. The SQM system was used as general basis for the methodology. The MS-Access version of SQM.project was used as  tool in the analysis and elaboration of the programmes  
2001 D2ParcsMiP ARPE Toulouse EURES methodological coordination of the programme development for three "regional natural parks" in Midi-Pyrénées SQM was the adopted method. Use of the MS-Access version of SQM.project  
2001 ILO 2000 - Le Piagge Provincia di Firenze  

Training and research project aimed at providing guidelines for a local sustainable development initiative in "Le piagge", a neighbourhood of the Flocence city. 


SQM was applied looking especially at social reinsertion. Results are available also as a product of the SQM-experience line report
2000 - 2001 Cross-border landscape scheme Marckolsheim/ Sasbach CCME / Interreg II EURES with INFIS and ECOREGIO Development of a cross-border development scheme and a concept for a cross-border tourism centre SQM was used in the analysis of the territory  
2000 - 2001 web-based guide to the Structural Funds objective 2 programme Préfecture Midi-Pyrénées EURES Construction and implementation of a web-based tool for public users containing a public guide to the programme and an on-line facility for the auto-evaluation of proposals  First implementation of SQM.guide  
2000 Local Agenda 21 in Florence City of Firenze SRS Action, training and research project, resulting in the proposal of a Charter   SQM as basic method report
2000 Annex to the UPD: propositions for the implementation mechanisms of the UPD Préfecture Midi-Pyrénées EURES Proposition for the implementation of the Structural Funds Objective 2 Programme in  Midi-Pyrénées  SQM was proposed as a general approach for monitoring and evaluation   
2000 PROMETEO: Programming with efficient and operational methods Organisation of the Engineers of Cosenza SRS CD-ROM for supporting the elaboration of projects respecting the principles for sustainable development based on SQM concepts and tools  
2000 New Management Approach, Natural Park of Gavorrano, Feasibility Study Community of Gavorrano SRS Study aimed at promoting local sustainable development with a specific focus on tourism based on SQM concepts  
1999 SQM - Sustainable Quality Management SRS / Regione Toscana SRS A CD-ROM explaining the basic concepts of SQM (in italian) explanation of SQM  
1999 Sustainable Development  - an integrated approach  Regione Toscana SRS A book based on the results of the INSURED project the origins of the SQM concepts. Examples from the INSURED project in terms of the SQM framework  
1999 D2MiP: Développement durable en Midi-Pyrénées ARPE Toulouse, EU DG 16 EURES pilot project of DG XVI for the integration of SD into structural funds. Participative programme  development in two objective 2 areas.  SQM was the adopted method, comparison with the ECOTEC approach report
1998 Towards Sustainable Development:  Experiences and Recommendations of seven European Regions ARPE Toulouse, EU DG 16 EURES Exchange of experiences between the environmental administrations of seven European Regions (Göteborg, Wallonie, Baden-Württemberg, Vorarlberg,  Rhône-Alpes, Midi-Pyrénées, Emilia-Romagna)  concerning Sustainable Development Projects An early version of the SQM framework was used report
1998 Development of procedures for the consideration of criteria for sustainable development in the awarding of Structural Funds Wirtschafts-
ministerium Sachsen
EURES Study on the possibilities to integrate principles of Sustainable Development into the Structural Funds in Saxony Proposition of the basic SQM evaluation grid as tool for ranking proposals  report
1998 Sustainable Tourism Development in the Val Tiberina Provincia di Arezzo SRS Training and research project aimed at promoting local sustainable  tourism in a valley.  The project utilised principles and techniques that are at the basis of SQM.  
1996 - 1999 INSURED: Instruments for Sustainable Development EU DG 12, several regions EURES, SRS, SICA, ÖAR, SIASR EU research project ()

with case studies in

The basic analysis framework of SQM was developed in this research project report


Dernière mise à jour: 15.10.03