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CURE - Centre for Urban & Regional Ecology, School of Planning & Landscape, Manchester University, United Kingdom

Prof. Joe Ravetz

The Centre for Urban & Regional  Ecology (CURE) is based at the School of Planning & Landscape at the University of Manchester, and carries out multidisciplinary action-research in three programmes:

a) Sustainable City-Region: urban-regional modeling, future studies, material flow analysis, geographical information systems, spatial frameworks, integrated assessment, policy appraisal and public participation.

b) Landscape Impacts & Futures: planning, management and policy implications of landscape patterns, urban morphology and ecological change.

c) Land Restoration & Management: pollution and remediation, eco-cultural capital and policy responses.

The common theme is the organisation and interaction of complex communities, both natural and human, from the local to the European scale, and the production of ‘toolkits’ which promote sustainable urban development. The research is supported by an advanced technical capability for spatial analysis, modelling and visualization, in the GIS/CAD Laboratory.

Department of Environment, Technology and Social Studies, Roskilde University, Denmark

Prof. Lise Drewes Nielsen

FLUX Transport Research Centre ( at Roskilde University is a multidisciplinary research team of 16 persons. In the Centre we are focussing on different aspects of transport and mobility from economics, sociology, political science and geography. We have divided our research in the following topics: mobility and culture, transport logistics and transport politics.

The centre is placed at a department, where some of the main aims are to develop methodology within the multidisciplinary approaches to sustainable development.

Professor Lise Drewes Nielsen is leader of the Centre (in co-operation with Associate Professor Per Homann Jespersen).

NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Planning, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland

Prof. Jim Walsh

The National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis (NIRSA) at NUI Maynooth in 2001 was established to harness the expertise of academic staff and research students Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Mathematics and Sociology. The mission of NIRSA is to facilitate inter-disciplinary and comparative study of the impact of global processes on regional and spatial development in Ireland. The main research themes at present include regional development and spatial planning; intra-regional inequality and social exclusion; agriculture restructuring and rural development; landscape, heritage and environment; urbanism and quality of life; demographic change, especially processes related to migration; globalisation; new models of governance.

EURES – Institute for Regional Studies in Europe, Freiburg i.Br., Germany

Ruggero Schleicher-Tappeser

The EURES Institute is a private consulting and research organisation established in 1989. The vision: Sustainable development in a Europe of regions integrating the economic, the environmental and the socio-cultural dimension. The mission: research and consultancy in the fields of regional development and of transport policy in Europe, with a special emphasis on intercultural co-operation. An interdisciplinary team works mainly for public customers in Germany, France and other European countries. Complemented by other social science approaches, policy analysis, scenario writing and evaluation techniques, stakeholder involvement and co-operative strategic policy development are core elements of the EURES methodology. The EURES Institute has extensive experience in European research projects and in consulting for the European Commission. It has worked with partners in more than 20 countries. Following the coordination of the INSURED project, EURES has been involved in the several pilot projects leading to the development of “SQM - Sustainable Quality Management®”.

Department of Environmental Economics and Management, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Wien, Austria

Andre Martinuzzi
Prof. Uwe Schubert

Department of Environmental Economics and Management, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration

The Department of Environmental Economics and Management is dedicated to interdisciplinarity and international perspectives in its teaching curricula and research. The department was founded with the objective of overcoming the dichotomy between economy and ecology and to make a scientific contribution towards the understanding of the interactions as two sides of the same coin, with a special emphasis on environmental policy issues and on practical applicability for business. Research foci are:

  • environmental policy instruments and performance indicators

  • evaluation of sustainable development

  • urban and regional aspects of environmental quality

  • innovation policy and networks

  • eco-management and -consulting

ID Consulting

Marcello Aglietti Zanon

I&D Consulting is a Brussels-based Strategy and management firm specialised in the area of European Consulting.

Founded in 1997 by experienced experts with great knowledge from both inside and outside the European Institutions, we are now at the forefront of Brussels Small-and Medium-Sized Consultacies in the field. Our clients come from all over Europe and from a wide variety of different areas of activity. Our firm has a particularly impressive track record in its social policy-related activities and in cooperation with Euro*IDEES, I&D Consulting has worked exhaustively with these questions in most of the European Programme frameworks. In addition, we are currently active as project-advisors in partnerships with many of Europe’s most prominent researchers on these issues in several large-scale research projects.

IEEP-Brussels, Institute for European Environmental Policy - Brussels V.z.W, Belgium

Prof. Gerrit Vonkeman


The statutory aim of IEEP-Brussels (NGO, founded 1988) is to promote the quality of the European environment and of the decision-making thereon, through research and providing expertise. Although it has covered most EU environmental policy areas and has worked for several member-states as well, its focus has gradually shifted towards long-term and transversal (international) policy making and sustainable development. Recent work covered inter alia environmental policy evaluation of Europe (for UNEP GEO 2000), Sustainable development of European Cities and Regions (book), Sustainable heavy metals policy (book; see for both books, sustaonable technology development, Environmental NGOs in Europe, Environmental policy-making and ICT (both in progress), environmental mediation, et cetera.

IGEAT, Institut Gestion, Environnement & Aménagement du Territoire, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium- Région Wallonie

Catherine Niarchos; Carlo Caldarini; Dominique Paule Decoster


NEA Transport research and training B. V., Netherlands

Ad Rosenbrand


IRS - Institut für Regionalentwicklung und Strukturplanung e.V., Erkner bei Berlin, Germany

Heidi Fichter

The IRS – Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning

The IRS explores the socio-spatial and socio-economic principles inherent in regional and urban development. It’s interdisciplinary research is characterised by a topic-centered and user-oriented approach.. The IRS analyses and evaluates processes and structures in European spatial planning and regionalisation, institutional changes and new forms of governance, settlement and housing concepts in view of the disparities in the development of milieus.

The IRS is a registered association. It is academically independent and is member of the extra-university research bodies of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Scientific Association (WGL).

Reverdy Associés, Consultants, Grenoble, France

Bernard Reverdy

Reverdy Associés has been founded as consultancy office in 1987 by Bernard Reverdy after twenty years of experience in the field of regional development in public and private positions. As associate professor in the Grenoble University and ENSAM, B. Reverdy has been manger of a European research project on environment called " Design for environment and material recovery".

Reverdy Associés has  developed tools and competency in the field of sustainable development and evaluation. These has been used in several studies as:

Evaluation of the coherence of the master plan of Grenoble area as regards the sustainable development.                          Evaluation of the impact of the European structural funds on sustainable development (with GHK for SG Regio).                Evaluation of the french public policy on combined rail-road goods transportation with SD criteria.                                       Strategic plan for the Rhône-Alpes-Energy-Environment agency in charge of environment and energy preservation.

Bernard Reverdy is member of the Société Française de l'évaluation.

SQM-praxis GmbH, Freiburg / Firenze

Ruggero Schleicher-Tappeser; Filippo Strati

SQM-praxis has bees founded in 2001 to promote the widespread use of "SQM - Sustainable Quality Management®", a complete but open system of concepts, methods and tools developed in the course of several EU research and pilot demonstration projects (e.g. INSURED, PACTE, D2MiP, POSSUM, INNESTO). SQM-praxis provides services and products

  • to different kinds of users (programme and project managers, public authorities, local actors and communities, politicians and administrators, business managers, practitioners and consultants)

  • for a considerable range of tasks over the whole policy cycle (elaboration, accompaniment,  monitoring and evaluation of action programmes and projects)

  • based on a process-oriented participative approach taking into account the specific regional context and the social potential for action

  • in the form of access to sophisticated multilingual internet-based tools, training and consulting 

SQM-praxis is establishing a Europe wide network of independent consultants who use the SQM methods and tools.

SRS – Studio Ricerche Sociali, Firenze, Italy

Filippo Strati

Founded in 1989, SRS is a private and independent business that adopts proactive and multidisciplinary approaches. The mission of SRS is to be a laboratory for local sustainable development and employment initiatives, offering knowledge continuously improved by the synergetic combination of: social research; vocational guidance and training; consulting. SRS has a top-level group of collaborators for specific projects. SRS is a member of several national and international networks and has strong relationships with other European agencies and research centres.

SRS expertise concerns: sustainable regional and local development; empowerment, governance and subsidiarity; local development and employment initiatives; self-employment and enterprise creation; labour market analysis and employment policies; organisational systems and management; market analysis and marketing; methodologies of analysis and monitoring; environmental, transport and tourism policies; proposals geared to legislative, institutional and organisational reforms. Currently SRS is the co-ordinator of the INNESTO project on Sustainable District Logistics (SDL) under the EU 5th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development - EESD.

The Bartlett School of Planning, University College London, UK

Prof. David Banister


TIS, Lisbon, Portugal

Prof. José Viegas


University of Pisa, Italy

Prof. Emilio Taliani


Territorial Communities


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European association for the promotion of Initiatives for Economic Development, Employment and Solidarity, Brussels

Luigi Badiali
Valeria Cenacchi

Among the members:

Regions: Emilia-Romagna (IT), Toscana (IT),  County Council of Värmland (SE) …

Provinces: Barelona (SP), Vercelli (IT), Livorno (IT), Rieti (IT) …

Cities: Cordoba (SP), San Sebastian (SP), Carrara (IT) …

Development Agencies: Heraclion (GR), Basc Countries (SP), BIC Toscana (IT), Lille (FR) …

Territorial pacts for employment …

Euro*IDEES is a European non-profit association, made up of 60 local authorities, regional development agencies, territorial employment pacts, NGOs and many other public and private organisations promoting local development, employment and solidarity policy. Euro*IDEES is a European network created to facilitate and encourage exchanges of experiences, the creation of inter-regional partnerships, debate over methodologies and more generally to promote the local development aspect of European governance. With reference to the challenges represented by the Information Society and the Globalisation process, encouraging competition between territories more than between enterprises, the association aims at representing and organising the needs of new services, skills and professional profiles at local level that will be necessary if Europe is to face a new economic and political global context.


European association of  over 100 large cities from the EU member states and 10 other European countries, Brussels

Anthony Van De Ven

Eurocities is the European association of over 100 large cities from the EU Member States and 10 other European countries).  It aims to: improve the quality of life by influencing the European agenda; increase the transfer of knowledge, experience and best practice at local level and encourage and facilitate the implementation of practical projects across Europe.  In order to effectively work together and contribute to the European debates, Eurocities includes two sub-networks and six specialist committees, among which one the Environment, with 10 working groups which develop and follow the main aspects of the environmental EU agenda (e.g. Local Agenda 21, the 6EAP or the exchange of information), strengthen the work with the EU Institutions and increase the level of environmental awareness among local authorities.

The Eurocities Environment Committee is represented on the European Commission's Expert Group on the Urban Environment and the Steering Committee of the Sustainable Cities & Towns Campaign and also has close contacts with other organisations and networks representing local and regional authorities in the environmental field such as, ICLEI, the CEMR, UTO, EURONET, and the WHO Healthy Cities Network.

Eurocities also initiated and/ or participates in the various projects and programmes: Diecec,  European Digital Cities Project, LIA Project, Tacis City Twinning Programme, The European Sustainable Cities & Towns Campaign, Integaire, Pegasus, TEMOL, AirAction, Urban Air Quality Management, European Common Indicators, EURO-EMAS and BUGS among others.

Regione Toscana / Italy

Simone Sorbi

Regione Toscana - Area delle Politiche Regionali dell’Innovazione e della Ricerca

The “Regional Policies on Innovation & Research” Area is -within the Development Dept.-, the Office which manages instruments and funds to support innovation, technology transfer and research. The office has been -and still is- involved in many EU funded projects, such as the RITTS and RIS+, the RPIA and the INTERREG programmes. Last may a proposal for an European network on Innovative Actions projects has been jointly presented with Regione Emilia Romagna to the Commission, DG REGIO, on behalf of a Consortium of 13 Regions from 8 EU Countries. Focus of the proposal is on the study of regional good practices on innovation, and on methods of governance, thus testifying the interest of Regione Toscana on the participation to the GISDE project.

Région Wallonie

Ghislain Géron

Direction Générale de l'Aménagement du Territoire, du Logement et du Patrimoine (DGATLP)



Last update: 15.10.2003