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  SQM - Sustainable Quality Management ®






Slide Show

SQM - Sustainable Quality Management®, an introduction

This interactive slide show in MS PowerPoint format gives a general introduction to the SQM system and the philosophy behind on nearly 100 slides. 

If you don't have MS PowerPoint, you may download the PowerPoint Viewer (1,4 MB).


Lectures and Articles

Schleicher-Tappeser, Ruggero (2002):

Assessing Sustainable Development - The SQM approach

paper presented at the European Evaluation Conference, Sevilla 2002



Schleicher-Tappeser, Ruggero (2002):

Structural Funds and Sustainable Development - The SQM approach

paper presented at the REGIONET workshop in Seggau, September 2002


Schleicher-Tappeser, Ruggero (2001):

Assessing Sustainable Development in the European Union - The Sustainable Quality Management Approach in the Context of Structural Funds

GMI (Greener Management International) Winter 2001


Schleicher-Tappeser, Ruggero (2001):

Die Bedeutung von Evaluation für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in Europa.

Freiburg. 16 pages.


Schleicher-Tappeser, Ruggero  (2000): 

Innovation und regionale Entwicklung - Analyse, Strategien, Instrumente.

In: Deutsche Vernetzungsstelle LEADER II.: Bewertung des Innovationsbedarfs in der regionalen ländlichen Entwicklung, Frankfurt/Main (Seminarbericht, 3/2000). 7 pages.


Schleicher-Tappeser, Ruggero,  (2000): 

Nachhaltigkeit im Kontext europäischer sozio-ökonomischer Vielfalt und ihre Gestaltung auf verschiedenen politischen Ebenen.

In: Gehrlein, U.: Strategien nachhaltiger Entwicklung. Dokumentation zur Fachtagung am 14. November 2000 in Darmstadt.
18 pages.


Strati, Filippo (2000):

Tools: availability and appropriatness. Lessons from pilot projects and research. 

In: Häkkinen, L.: Regions - Cornerstones for Sustainable Development. Proceedins of the Second European Symposium Joensuu 13-14 September 1999 (Publications of the Academy of Finland, 8/99), Helsinki. HTM-document.


Schleicher-Tappeser, Ruggero / Strati, Filippo (1999): 

Sustainability - A New Paradigm for Research? 

In: Catizzone, M.: From Ecosystem Research to Sustainable Development. Towards a New Paradigma for Ecosystem Research (Ecosystem Research Reports N° 26), Luxembourg: European Commission.  27 pages.


Strati, Filippo / Schleicher-Tappeser, Ruggero (1999): 

A Flexible Tool for Valuating and Evaluating Sustainable Development. 

In: Catizzone, M.: From Ecosystem Research to Sustainable Development. Towards a New Paradigma for Ecosystem Research (Ecosystem Research Reports N° 26), Luxembourg: European Commission. 18 pages.


Schleicher-Tappeser, Ruggero / Strati, Filippo (1999): 

Progress towards Sustainable Regional Development: Results form the EU Research Programme on Human Dimensions of Environmental Change

Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg: European Commission. 22 pages.


Strati, Filippo (1999):

Strumenti di gestione dello sviluppo sostenibile: dalle "buone pratiche" ad "SQM".

Firenze. HTM-document.


Strati, Filippo (1999):

L'orientamento professionale nei nuovi scenari delle Politiche per l'occupazione.

Firenze. 34 pages.


Strati,  Filippo (1999):

Lo sviluppo sostenibile e le auto del futuro in un territorio sostenibile.

17 pages.


Strati, Filippo (1999):

Nuovi orientamenti per il networking dei servizi per l'impiego.

In: Il lavoro possibile, Provincia di Siena. HTM-document.


Strati, Filippo (1998):

Conclusioni sul lavoro delle sessioni tematiche.

In: Sviluppo sostenibile: dalla teoria alla pratica, Provincia di Livorno. HTM-document.



Research and Project Reports


Grenzüberschreitendes Freiraumkonzept Marckolsheim/Sasbach/Endingen.

Schlussbericht zu Kapitel1 und 2. Freiburg 2001. 76 pages



Schéma transfrontalier Marckolsheim/Sasbach/Endingen.

Rapport final des chapitres 1 et 2. Freiburg 2001. 75 pages


Strati , Filippo et al. (2001):

ILO 2000 - Le Piagge.

Rapporto finale, Provincia di Firenze.

This report regards a training and research project aimed at providing guidelines for a local sustainable development initiative in "Le piagge", a neighbourhood of the Flocence city. SQM was applied looking especially at social reinsertion. Results are available also as a product of the SQM-experience line.

Schleicher-Tappeser, Ruggero / Strati, Filippo (2000): 

Effects of transport infrastructure and transportation costs on the development of European regions. Outline of a qualitative assessment tool.

Final Report, Freiburg. 54 pages.


Schleicher-Tappeser, Ruggero / Strati, Filippo (2000): 

Effects of transport infrastructure and transportation costs on the development of European regions. Outline of a qualitative assessment tool.

Summary, Freiburg. 6 pages.


Strati, Filippo et al. (2000):

Carta dei principi e dei comportamenti per la creazione e la gestione dell'Agenda Locale 21 del Comune di Firenze.

Comune di Firenze.


Strati, Filippo et al. (2000):

Prometeo (Progettare con metodi efficaci ed operativi).

CD ROM, per conto dell'Ordine degli Ingegneri di Cosenza. 18 pages.

Prometeo regards project management in the ambit of  EU strategies, policies and funds, developing SQM method to improve the quality of proposals


Strati, Filippo / Franci, Marta / Pozzi, Claudio (2000):

Proposta di fattibilità per una gestione imprenditoriale sociale del Parco Minerario Naturalistico di Gavorrano e per l'avvio di prime sperimentazioni. 

Rapporto finale scritto da, Comune di Gavorrano.

The final report includes several sections of a research aimed at promoting local sustainable development with a specific focus on tourism. The research was based on  SQM. Results are available also as a product of the SQM-experience line.


D2MIP - Développement Durable en Midi-Pyrénées Programmation pilote au titre des fonds structurels. 

Rapport de Projet, 1999. 58 pages.


Schleicher-Tappeser, Ruggero / Elsässer, Ralf (1999): 

Entwicklung von Verfahren zur Berücksichtigung von Kriterien nachhaltiger Entwicklung bei der Vergabe der Strukturfondsfördermittel. 

Schlußbericht. (EURES-Report, 11), Freiburg. 83 pages.


Schleicher-Tappeser, Ruggero / Lukesch, Robert / Strati, Filippo / Sweeney, Gerry / Thierstein, Alain (1999): 

Instrumente für eine nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung. Das INSURED-Projekt.

Schlußbericht (EURES-Report, REP-10), Freiburg. 200 pages.


Schleicher-Tappeser, Ruggero / Lukesch, Robert / Strati, Filippo / Sweeney, Gerry / Thierstein, Alain (1999): 

Instruments for a Sustainable Regional Development – The INSURED-Project.

Final Report (EURES-Report, REP-9), Freiburg. 200 pages.


Towards Sustainable Development: Experiences and Recommendations of seven European Regions.

Project Report, 1997. 129 pages.


Vers un Développement Durable: Expériences et Recommandations de sept Régions Européennes. 

Rapport de Projet, 1997. 129 pages.


Small appraisal tool


This is a small tool for carrying out standard SQM appraisals. It is based on MS Excel. More information is to be found on the page SQM.appraise.  This tool may not work on some non-US Windows systems.




Last update: 16.10.03