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SQM.guide technical details

Have a look at the online instrument:  SQM.guide online. In the Help pages there you will find detailed explanations concerning the single pages and functions.

The modular structure of SQM.guide

The structure of SQM.guide is constructed around the hierarchical structure of the funding programme. The functional modules provide the "engine" of SQM.guide. The standard libraries constitute a first layer of "contents" which is the same for all implementations. The programme implementation is the contents which depends on the specific funding programme having been implemented for a single license. This implementation must be carried out by a specialised consultant (see below). User data, finally, are the data that the different users from the public have saved on the system for their own purposes. 


The functional modules

The user administration


Implementing a specific funding programme

The establishment of a guide for a specific funding programme based on SQM.guide requires qualified consultancy. The following tasks have to be carried out:

  • analysis of the funding program
  • implementation of the program on the SQM.guide server
  • attribution of key attributes 
  • attribution of editing and updating rights
  • definition of the evaluation questionnaires for each program element
  • validation by the client and online publication
  • hosting and support for several years



Last update: 16.10.03