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  SQM - Sustainable Quality Management ®






SQM-praxis GmbH: about us

The company SQM-praxis has been founded to promote the widespread use of SQM providing training, materials, services and web-based tools. It has been established in 2001 as company with limited liability under German law (GmbH). The headquarters of SQM-praxis are in Freiburg i.Br./ Germany , a second office is located in Firenze / Italy (Contact). 

The company has been founded and is being directed by Ruggero Schleicher-Tappeser (director of EURES Institute in Freiburg i.Br/ Germany) and Filippo Strati (director of SRS in Firenze/ Italy) (Founders). 

On the background of a long experience in local and regional development the concepts and tools of SQM have been developed since the mid-nineties (History of SQM). SQM-praxis holds all rights associated with the SQM system. The trademark ' SQM - Sustainable Quality Management ®' was registered since 1999 in a series of countries. 

The company SQM-praxis earns money with the following products :

  • training courses for consultants and final users of the SQM system (Training)
  • licenses for the access to customisable web-based SQM instruments provided by the SQM server (ASP, Application Service Providing) (Instruments)

SQM-praxis does not charge any licenses for the use of its concepts and methods.  

SQM-praxis is building up a European SQM Partner Network of certified consultants who use the SQM methodology and the SQM instruments and who introduce them to final users. (Partner Network). 

SQM-praxis also helps to set up SQM User Networks for the different SQM instruments. (User Networks)

Starting in 2003, SQM-praxis is publishing an electronic newsletter concerning its activities and products. It appears irregularly. (News)

SQM-praxis is looking for partners. In order to seize the large potentials of the developing market for management tools for sustainable development, the founders of SQM-praxis are looking for partners who would contribute investment capital and marketing competences. If you are interested, please contact the founders. 


Last update: 16.10.03