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Training Modules
Training Programme

SQM Training / SQM Certificates

The SQM system allows for many different, sometimes complex applications. In order to make full use of the potential of SQM and to use the more complex tools properly, some training is needed. SQM-praxis offers different kinds of training courses and releases certificates for reliable SQM experts. 

SQM Training courses

SQM-praxis offers training courses concerning the concepts and the use of the SQM system

  • for different purposes and tools
  • for different target groups

SQM training courses are composed of training modules which can be combined in different ways. The table of SQM training modules is intended to give you a general outline, actual training courses may be composed differently.

SQM training courses are offered as:

  • in-house courses for institutions and companies
  • public courses directly offered by SQM-praxis

For knowing more about in-house courses, please specify your areas of interest and contact training@sqm.praxis.net. Public courses will be announced regularly. Have a look at the Programme of SQM training courses.

SQM Certificates

SQM-praxis is building up a Europe wide network of independent certified consultants. Four different certificates will be awarded  to adequately selected and trained experts in order to ensure an appropriate and reliable introduction and configuration of SQM tools for customers all over Europe.

SQM.guide expert An SQM.guide expert is capable of introducing and fully implementing SQM.guide for an institutional client An SQM.guide expert will usually be an experienced consultant in the field of public administration and public development programmes. In trainings with SQM-praxis he will have learned how to fully exploit the potentials of SQM.guide in different fields of application and institutional contexts.
SQM programme developer  An SQM programme developer is capable of developing complex development and funding programmes with the help of SQM tools (SQM.appraise, SQM.project) An SQM programme developer will usually be an experienced consultant in the field of local development or other public funding areas. In trainings with SQM-praxis he/she  will have learned to integrate various analysis, facilitation, visioning and programming methodologies into the SQM framework.  
SQM programme evaluator An SQM programme evaluator is capable of evaluating complex development and funding programmes with the help of SQM.project. He/she has the necessary methodological and technical expertise for managing large evaluation projects.  An SQM programme evaluator will usually be a consultant or a programme manager with experience in evaluation. He/she should have a particular interest in methodological questions and Sustainable Development. 
SQM. progman expert An SQM.progman expert is capable of introducing and fully implementing SQM.progman for the management of complex public funding programmes.  An SQM.progman expert will usually be an experienced consultant or public servant working in the management of public funding programmes. 

These certificates can be reached by training programmes which include class-room courses, homework and experience in actual projects. For an experienced consultant with no prior experience with SQM, acquiring one of these certificates will require about eight days of training course, eight weeks of practice in an own project combined with four days of coaching. The costs of these trainings will be around 6.000 €. Evidently, additional certificates will then require less efforts. For more details of the framework, have a look at the table of SQM training modules.  


Last update: 16.10.03