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  SQM - Sustainable Quality Management ®






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The SQM System

The modular SQM system is a collection of coherent elements that can be used in wide variety of combinations for different needs. See also examples. For an introduction to the SQM system and its conceptual backgrounds, have a look at the interactive Slideshow

SQM provides  Concepts, Procedures, Methods and Instruments


  1. A common language concerning Sustainable Development
  2. An assessment framework concerning the orientation towards Sustainability 
  3. An assessment framework concerning the social potential of communities 
  4. An assessment framework concerning transformation strategies
  5. A conceptual framework for the transparent construction, management and evaluation of multi-level programmes


  1. A framework for the (ex-ante, ongoing and ex-post) evaluation of projects 
  2. A framework for the accompaniment and evaluation of programmes
  3. A framework for the elaboration of action programmes
  4. Participative procedures and facilitations methods 
  5. Methods and techniques that help to discover new opportunities 
  6. Project management methods and procedures 


  1. SQM.appraise: a simple software tool for standard SQM-appraisals 
  2. SQM.guide: A customisable web-based guide for public access to funding programmes including programme specific project appraisal 
  3. SQM.progdev: A web-based instrument for programme development
  4. SQM.progman: A web-based instrument for programme management 
  5. SQM.project: A web-based instrument for the management of SQM based projects
  6. SQM.eval: A web-based instrument for the evaluation of programmes and large projects
  7. SQM.flex: A versatile expert instrument for SQM-related projects
  8. SQM.experience: Databases with SQM-based descriptions of good practices


Last update: 01.12.03