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Some scenarios for the use of SQM 

Example A

Mrs. Z, officer in a regional government and responsible for the management of the recently accepted regional structural funds objective 2 programme wants to promote sustainable development.

  • She decides to set up a public web-based programme guide on the basis of SQM.guide with the help of a qualified consultant. She concludes a fixed price contract with the consultant. 
  • The consultant sets up the guide for her programme in less than three months. She is frequently consulted for the details of the presentation of the programme in the web.
  • An SQM training course for the management team introduces to the basics of the Sustainable Quality Management approach and shows how the responsible managers for the six program axes can regularly update budgets, documents and addresses. 
  • After six months, the SQM.guide website is known in the region and most funding applicants use the auto-evaluation tool with success. For supporting them, the regional association of local development agents offers half-day basic SQM introductions. 
  • Program managers say, their jobs have become more demanding: less phone calls for general information, less tedious work on incomplete and incoherent project proposals, but more applications, more qualified counselling requested, and better projects. 
  • Mrs. Z decides to introduce SQM.progman tools for supporting the project selection and granting process more systematically. Project applications shall be handled and assessed in different steps with the help of an integrated system. Program synthesis profiles shall support her in writing the annual reports. The same consultant is contracted to introduce a first phase …

Example B

Consultant X is interested in the use of SQM for the management of regional structural funds.

  • He takes training courses with SQM-praxis in order to be fully familiar with the basics of the methodology and in order to be certified for the configuration of SQM.guide.
  • He finds a regional structural funds management authority who is interested in using SQM.guide as a first step to an integrated programme management with SQM. He signs a contract with this authority concerning the introduction of the system.
  • On the other side he signs a contract with SQM-praxis for getting the permission for setting up and configuring a new client in SQM.guide. He establishes the system.
  • For the ongoing operation the regional authority signs a pluri-annual contract with SQM-praxis. Users in the large public of this region will use the customised system free of charge. The authority or the consultant will have the necessary access keys for updating the databases.
  • The regional authority may also want to have short internal training courses for introducing the system in all services concerned. These will be held by trainers with a corresponding SQM certificate.  The authority may also buy SQM teaching material for internal use.

Example C

Consultant Y is specialised in local development. She considers to use SQM for the establishment of local development programmes

  • After an introductory course with SQM-praxis she decides to seriously use the SQM approach and to start with the online-instrument for programme development SQM.progdev.
  • In order to be fully familiar with the basics of the methodology and in order to be certified for the use of SQM.progdev she takes a course with SQM-praxis and buys a user license for three years of the small edition of SQM.progdev.
  • During her first projects support from her SQM coach and advice from colleagues in the SQM.progdev user network help to make full use of the instrument.
  • After the termination of a particularly successful project, she convenes with SQM-praxis to make the process documentation and the results publicly accessible through the SQM.progdev library. 

Example D

An internationally active food company wants to promote attention for sustainable development within the whole company. The company is looking for a system that allows for a pertinent exchange of experiences across different cultures.

  • The company concludes a contract with a team of consultants that are familiar with SQM and are certified to use the pertinent tools
  • The consultants analyse a selected number of past experiences in different countries with the help of SQM.project. They develop a set of questions that specify the SQM framework for a pertinent description of the context of projects in the field of food production marketing and consumption.
  • The consultants establish a company-internal system on the basis of SQM.experience and transfer the results of their analysis. A structured description of good experiences and their specific contexts is readily accessible across the whole company network
  • In each larger subsidiary of the company a local team is trained to use SQM.project for the appraisal of own projects. The consultant team collects these descriptions, discusses the cases with the local team and feeds the results into SQM.experience
  • At each step contracts have to be concluded with SQM-praxis. All software tools, except a simple freeware-version of SQM.appraise, are based on the central SQM-web-tool engine.  As all manipulations are based on common Internet-browsers, there are no technical problems to be feared in a multi-language multi-country network.

Last update: 23.10.03