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SQM.eval technical

SQM.eval:   the instrument for programme evaluations


SQM.eval is an online instrument for the evaluation of action and funding programmes. 

A task management tool (like in SQM.project) helps to organise the process. Sets of preconfigured and editable tasks and forms - which rely on many years of evaluation experience in different European countries - help to design an appropriate evaluation process in a short period of time.  

As in all SQM instruments the SQM analysis framework provides a coherent structure for the different steps. A variety of forms and tools make it easy to involve external expertise and groups of local actors. 

The built-in SQM evaluation procedures allow to considerably reduce the required effort for evaluations by transforming the usually long list of required evaluation questions into a limited number of elementary appraisals.

SQM.eval facilitates the cooperation of teams of geographically dispersed evaluators from disciplines by providing a common framework, excellent overview thanks to a central database and advanced workflow functionalities.


SQM.eval (SQM evaluation) will be available early in 2004.


The use of SQM online instruments is governed by licenses. For such a license SQM-praxis charges a price which depends on the duration, on the instrument and on the performance parameters that have been agreed. 

The establishment of a license includes the appointment of an "administrator" who governs its use. He, in turn, can appoint "editors" with specific and differentiated reading and editing rights. Every user of the system has to identify himself by a personal password. 

An SQM.eval license is characterised by the number of projects that can be carried out with it (the administrator fills in a list) and by the number of tasks that can be handled in one project.

SQM-praxis will offer a range of standard licenses of different sizes. In order to ensure a good reputation of the product, the administrators of larger licenses will have to participate in appropriate training courses.


Last update: 23.10.03